Friday, 5 August 2016

Binary MLM

Binary Plan is a way of compensation system in MLM. Binary means '2' - this the reason why we called this plan 'Binary'?

A Business Associate can have two “legs” and that is called “Binary”.  You will have a volume requirement on each leg in order to get paid and a “balancing” of volume from the A and B group (legs) in order to maximize your commissions.
For example,
if A(associate) got two member under him as B & C its considered as pair like in below structure.
|              |
B            C
But if the ‘A’ got B & C under his single leg like this below its not considered as pair.
|          |
CBut in the above description only considers as Binary. Binary has many various specifications like 1:1, 1:2/2:1, Trinary, Level Binary, Australian Binary, SpillOver Binary and many.
But for starting with mlm business we recommend 1:1 binary with or without a tail(1:2/2:1)
For Insurance products, Investment products binary is best as per our knowledge.
Binary compensation can be shared as in two ways -
Pair matching
PV – Product/Point Value Matching
You can get Best Quality MLM Binary Software here

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